Milk Splash


Last weekend my dear friend Špela visited me for an afternoon of brainstorming and work for an upcoming project.  She is ambitious young girl of various talents. From music, drawing, photography and so much more.  For me there is no better company as the creative individuals with new  ideas and motivation for work. I am so happy I have friends I can share ideas with, learn from them, share love for those dope instagram pictures and actually create with them some cool stuff.

While brainstorming, we had a “creative block”. So we decided to go out on fresh air and do a photoshoot. We did some pretty photos, some were different from normal (check it out on Špela’s instagram), and at the end we experimented a little bit. We made our own little studio behind our house and made those dope Milk Splash photos.

And we learned a lot while doing it. Špela knows the main part of technicalities of cameras. However we had to figure out a lot of things, and try many times to get handful  shots that resembled what we imagined would be a perfect shot.

We spent about 3 hours on this photoshoot. And we wrapped up a shoot, happy and excited to go through all the images. We just wish we could do things like this every day or at least every weekend. Some would say this is just wasting time, but I say: “No time is wasted, if you enjoy wasting it!”

Spread Love, Maja


Processed with VSCO with j5 preset

Processed with VSCO with j5 preset

Processed with VSCO with j5 preset



I would love to know what you think, comment bellow or just leave some love!



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