Project: Fashion design of the month

First things first, let me tell you a little fact about me. I maybe mentioned in my last post, but let’s say it out loud again. I love fashion and alongside with fashion come my passion for making clothes. I adore sketching pieces I want to wear. And to be able to transform sketch to a real piece I can wear is a beautiful process. So many people say to me, that it’s so much cheaper and easier to just buy something from store. Yeah they are right. But I can not compare my pieces to those ones from stores. I see something more than just price tag behind my creations. I enjoy doing it. I adore spending hours making one piece and then right after last seam is done, I put on my creation and just enjoy watching it in the mirror from every perspective (this is the longest part haha). At the end it doesn’t even matter how much time was spent on one piece. It’s done, mine and ready to be shown to the world. I’m greateful for every kind word and critic I receive, because they motivate me to learn and do more.

But I want you to know one more thing. It’s was just matter of time when I will create my first series of posts. And this is officially first one. Fashion design of the month are new series of posts on my blog. Once a month, I’ll create post that will include one of my new creation. I will share story behind each piece and accompany it with beautiful images.

The reason I decided to do this series is because I want to push myself to do more. In general I create new thing only when there’s no school. Result of that is 4-5 pieces per year. But I found out I have so much more spare time. I have weekends, spare afternoons and other boring days. Why should I watch TV when I can do clothes!? I usually spent one afternoon to finish it, now I’m giving myself month to finish one. If plan will work smoothly, in one year I’ll have at least 12 pieces. Theoretically it sounds realizable. Hope school will agree with my plan.

However, I already have a pile of beautiful material on my desk and so many pictures in my head. Also I’m very excited because my first piece is already on the way. So expect a new piece to be revealed soon. But to show you a little something I already created, take a look below.

Firstly, there is my second favourite piece – Black and white mesh shirt paired with my black skirt. Second look is all about my favourite colour blue. I’m wearing my classic shirt with floral pattern, paired with some very skinny vintage jeans. Last look is a contrast statement. I’m wearing white shirt with dark blue details.

Leave your comment and write what you think about these pieces.

Spread love, Maja




3 thoughts on “Project: Fashion design of the month

  1. Manca says:

    Vau vau vau, trikrat vau! Tisočkrat vau! Vedno sem visoko cenila unikatne izdelke izpod spretnih prstov in si želela, da bi lahko nadomestili moje kose oblačil iz H&M-a, ki jih nosi vsaka druga punca, ki jo srečaš. Ampak ti unikati so vedno tako zelo “unikatni”, da niti ne vem, kam bi jih človek oblekel. Tale tvoja ustvarjanja so pa nadvrhunska – res res čudoviti modeli in vzorci oz. barvne kombinacije, ki jih naredijo res “unikatne”, hkrati pa so vsi trije kosi taki, ki bi jih imela prav vsak dan na sebi. Joj, sploh ne najdem besed, res lepo.


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